Campus Security
Keeping the Raven Community Safe
安全与安保部位于学生健康中心旁边的运营办公室内. 该部门全年365天,每天24小时开放,提供保护和服务. Security is staffed by both full-time and part-time officers. 所有的警察都接受过一般安全措施的培训,以及标准的急救和心肺复苏术. 安全官员有权拘留任何进入校园的人. Therefore, 该部门与艾奇逊警察局和艾奇逊县警长部门密切合作,协调任何必要的警察反应或在校园里逮捕. 所有人员都配备无线电设备,能有效回应社区需要. Campus Security also has a designated patrol vehicle.
To report a crime or emergency or to request service, students must call the Department of Safety and Security at ext. 7255 or 913-360-8888. If for some reason they cannot be reached, 拨打911可以到达艾奇逊县治安部门调度中心.
- Benedictine College's Emergency Response Plan
- To report a emergency, crime or other incident on campus, please use this anonymous report form.
本笃安全与安保部门的存在是为了在学院的努力中提供一个安全可靠的环境,让所有Raven社区成员都能生活在其中, learn and work. Campus Security takes a community-service approach, 发展和建立加强保护人民和财产的方法和途径, promote the prevention of crime, and support the enforcement of college policy. 只有通过学生们的共同努力才能实现一个真正安全的校园, faculty and staff. 通过与当地执法机构合作协调大学社区的努力, 安全和安保部可以实现其承诺,建立一个更安全的校园环境.
Community Services
安全与安保部负责本尼迪克特学院的安全和应急响应. 它还负责根据艾奇逊社区的具体需求提供支持服务. The following are some of these services:
- Operating the escort service for student workers from dusk until dawn
- 协助校园内车辆被锁住或需要启动的司机
- Responding to all campus emergencies
- Issuing parking ticket for students, faculty and staff
- Distributing crime prevention materials and information
- Providing lost and found services
- Coordinating the monitoring and testing of all fire prevention, 校园防盗和报警系统及设备(与学院物理工厂人员合作)
- Making inspections of buildings and grounds for fire, 安全隐患(与学院物理工厂和学生生活办公室人员一起)
Crime Prevention
海关致力防止罪案,并积极预防任何潜在的问题. Crime prevention services include the following:
- Responding rapidly to all calls for service and emergencies
- Investigating all reported crimes
- 与艾奇逊警察局和艾奇逊县警局合作
- 通过校园安全办公室和学生生活办公室提供各种各样的预防犯罪材料, including drug and alcohol information and personal security brochures
- 与学生生活办公室一起赞助各种预防犯罪和个人安全项目, including RA training, personal safety, fire extinguisher training, CPR, and fire drills
- Sexual assaults, including rape, are serious crimes of violence in which the assailant, through threats or physical force, involves or attempts to involve the victim in involuntary sexual conduct. 校园社区的所有成员都应该意识到性侵犯是被州法律和大学政策所禁止的,并且被本尼迪克特学院视为一件严重的事情. A victim of sexual assault should immediately contact a Resident Assistant, college counselor, Student Life employee, or the department of Campus Safety for medical assistance. 受害者还应设法保存发生袭击的任何可能的证据. 校园安全部门认为所有性侵犯报告都是保密的,并对其进行全面调查. 性侵犯的受害者可以选择通知当地警方,校园官员也可以协助他们这样做. 受害者被告知任何校园和当地的咨询和心理健康服务, 如果有合理的替代方案,他们将有机会改变生活安排. 有关性侵犯的正当程序和大学程序的其他信息位于学生手册中.
Drug and Alcohol Policy
Benedictine College complies with federal, state and local laws which regulate the possession, use, and sale of alcoholic beverages and controlled substances. 学院还遵守1988年《太阳城官网》的所有规定,包括:
- 分发、持有或使用任何非法药物或管制药物
- 向21岁以下的个人提供含酒精饮料或由21岁以下的个人持有含酒精饮料
- Illegally possessing an open container of an alcoholic beverage, public intoxication, 在醉酒或受非法药物或管制物质影响的情况下驾驶, and drinking alcoholic beverages in an unlicensed public place
- 详细说明学生的违法行为和处罚(包括缓刑), 停学和开除)出现在本尼迪克特学院学生手册中.
Parking and Traffic
该部门负责监督停车,并负责执行交通法规. All students, 教师和工作人员必须在部门登记车辆,并出示有效的停车许可证. 如不遵守停车规则,将被取消停车特权.
Residential Facilities & Access Policies
The college provides on-campus housing for approximately 1,500 students. Access to residence areas is restricted. 宿舍政策要求在晚上和周末以及没有公共会议的建筑物的任何时候都要锁上外部门, office or classroom space. All residents are issued a key or key card for personal access. A resident must accompany all guests entering a residence hall. More information on residence options, roommates, 政策和程序在学生生活办公室的学生手册中有详细说明.
Crime Statistics
Benedictine College is a very safe campus. 《太阳城官网》包括三个日历年的统计数据. 这份报告是根据珍妮克莱里披露校园安全政策和校园犯罪统计法案(a)发布的.k.a. the Clery Act) of 1998.